thoughts on setting up this site
this article is WIP
Cloud Configuration
Still looking for how to handle CI, right now it is mostly an amalgamation of bash scripts. I have looked into "just" as "make" seems to be a bit complex for my use case. API
Using is really nice for APIs. Much nicer than anything AWS has. It scales so smoothly and cheaply.
Oracle Cloud Compute
I still use Oracle Cloud for compute, especially cheap ARM. 10tb of bandwidth is nothing to scoff at, either. Hosted apps are here.
Object Storage
Backblaze B2 for cheap archival Storage
Cloudflare R2 for cheap bandwidth (public LFS)
Git Storage
SourceHut (
Cloud security
SSH Key based authentication and authorization using ed25519 keys whenever possible
IPv6 subnet whitelist, workloads run in air gapped networks without access to internet whenever possible
Stateless workloads